Monday, October 8, 2007
A Special Note
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Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives Int'l
9:02 PM
Labels: upcoming events, welcome
Monday, October 1, 2007
Welcome To Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International (PAC) Blogsite
Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International(PAC) is a global aquaculture business enterprise whose primary mission is to provide strategically engineered aquaculture solutions to the world aquaculture industry as a modus operandi of economic and environmental sustainability to SIDS(Small Island Developing States) and developing countries for economic development, environmental sustainability, and sustainability of the global food chain from the bottom up. This will be done by the development and deployment of sustainable sea cucumber farm operations in every coast lined country adjoined with educational training for local natives together wit ongoing collaboration and assignments with government, industry and scientific agencies. PAC International was established in 2005 and is an NGO affiliate with Consultive Status Accreditation to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
By developing custom designed programs of sustainable development consisting of:
- Aquaculture education and training;
- Enlisting the interaction and partnership of government, industry, scientific, and educational agencies for support and the dissemination of information;
- Enlistment of the world leading environmental scientists providing their expertise;
- and the apportionment of cutting edge technologies, equipments, and marine sea vessels;
PAC will empower native residents to efficiently manage and utilize their natural marine resources. By maintaining a major equity position in each cooperative employee owned operation, PAC will insure the proper implementation and management of its business solutions in order to safeguard and promote environmental sustainability by the use of its proprietary aqua farming methodology that will exponentially increase sea cucumber population while maintaining the integrity of the coral reefs – its natural environment and thus ameliorate the damages of global warming; promote economic development through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise, the standards of living are raised, quality health care and education becomes affordable, and by facilitating initial public offerings of each corporate cooperative, the prosperity of future generations are safeguarded. PAC's strategic business solutions are consistent with the United Nations Millennium Development Goals will therefore serve as a reliable and legitimate mechanism to assist world governments in achieving their MDG. See
The products that these corporate cooperatives in developing countries will farm, harvest, and market are scientifically known as Holothuroidea, or sea cucumbers, are an abundant and diverse group of worm-like and usually soft-bodied echinoderms. They are found in nearly every marine environment, but are most diverse on tropical shallow-water coral reefs. They range from the intertidal, where they may be exposed briefly at low tide, to the floor of the deepest oceanic trenches. Some of these are about 20 cm in length, though adults of some diminutive species may not exceed a centimeter, while one large species can reach lengths of 5 m (Synapta maculata). Several species can swim and there are even forms that live their entire lives as plankton, floating with the ocean currents.
These sea cucumbers are widely consumed for food and as a traditional nutraceutical throughout Asian and Middle Eastern communities. It is so highly prized for its ability to fight arthritis pain and degeneration, for its anti-viral properties, as an aphrodisiac, and for regular consumption as a culinary component or in supplement form to promote overall good health.
PAC has a patent pending proprietary farming methodology capable of exponentially increasing existing sea cucumber populations. This revolutionary farming method will give PAC the ability to continuously generate sustainable harvests and provide a steady supply of sea cucumbers to the large demands of existing buyers, and expand sea cucumbers' viability in emerging markets.
The global sea cucumber market is poised for tremendous growth in the pharmaceutical industry. Scientific studies are defining the healing properties of sea cucumbers, finding the high proportions of sulphated polysaccharides, glycoproteins, fucans, and lectins found in their body walls all show significant potential for development into marketable drugs for arthritis, caner treatments, HIV therapy, and other new medical treatments. You can learn more about PAC by visiting us at
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Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives Int'l
8:26 PM
Labels: aquaculture, cooperatives, sustainability
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Presentation at the United Nations CSD 15
On May 7, 2007, Erik Hagberg, President and CEO of PAC International had the privilege of speaking at the 15th Annual Conference on Sustainable Development at the United Nations. As a keynote speaker, Erik presented the innovative business model of the company - "Corporate Cooperative" - strategically designed to achieve the goals and objectives of a high level corporation while economically empowering the native resident employees.
PAC’s plan is to develop and deploy cooperative business enterprises in SIDS and developing countries that are owned and controlled democratically by its employees. PAC is committed to the rules of governance as outlined in its cooperative corporate charter. These include a commitment to socially responsible and ethical work issues. As part of this commitment the company provides employee stock ownership programs.
Furthermore, these international corporate cooperatives are based on the values of self-government, self-determination, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. As corporate cooperatives, these international operations will work for the sustainable development of their communities, environment, and culture through policies accepted and agreed upon by its member employees.
Ms. Diane Quarless, Chief of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Unit of UN/DESA/DSD, opened the discussion by explaining the objectives of the session, which aimed to introduce an array of new technologies to promote development in SIDS and other countries. She added that this partnership was the epitome of bringing together scientists, with the volunteerism of NGOs, the drive of the private sector and the support of the UN and donor community.
Ambassador Angus Friday of the Mission of Grenada to the United Nations, Chairman of the Association of Small Island States (AOSIS) welcomed the participants and said he was encouraged by the levels of interest in working with SIDS. He emphasized the increasing pressures for quick action for development in SIDS and said that partnerships are the key to achieving results. (excerpts from "UN Partnerships for Sustainable Development, Identifying New Technologies for Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States, Partnership Wire, May 9, 2007)
Following the PAC solution presented by Erik, Dr. Tom Goreau, President of Global Coral Reef Alliance and one of the leading scientific advisors on PAC's Advisory Board, gave his presentation on his remarkable work of coral reef restoration. He introduced his work by describing his non-profit work primarily on coral reef restoration. He explained that around the world today there is more dead coral than live coral, largely due to the slight increase in water temperatures which is already occurring, but also due to water pollution from sewage and other sources. He has developed a technology, which he calls Biorock, which has proven highly effective in regenerating coral reefs. The video presentation provides a good visual rendition of this remarkable technology.
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Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives Int'l
11:40 PM
Labels: communities, conference, Erik Hagberg, islands, partnerships, united nations
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Traveling to the Marshall Islands
Many people have been asking where are the Marshall Islands and how to get there. So we’ve decided to take the time and provide you with complete details on a fantastic excursion to one of the world’s most pristine regions in the South Pacific.
View Larger Map
It’s always a good idea to have a thorough knowledge of where you’re going so that you can easily adapt to the environment and culture. A good place to start is by visiting the embassy website at Here you will get a healthy serving of the history, environment, culture, government, as well as a free visitor’s guide booklet you can download and learn about great tourist attraction areas.
One good site that provides information about dining and accommodations is
For airline fare and hotel information, visit any one of the following sites for full details on lowest priced flights : Orbitz, Expedia, Cheaperflights, and TravelZoo. You will need to provide your city of departure and the city of destination is Majuro, which is the capital city of the Marshall Islands.
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Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives Int'l
11:42 PM
Labels: airline, culture, marshall islands, vacation
Friday, September 21, 2007
Aquaculture & Coral Reef Restoration
For many years, Wolf Hilbertz, a German Architect and an inspiring pioneer of new technologies in architecture and marine habitat restoration, and Dr. Tom Goreau, marine biologist, both inventors of the remarkable Biorock technology systematically designed to sustainably restore coral reefs around the world worked tirelessly through the United Nations of implementing this technology in various parts of the world where there were dying or non-existent coral reefs resulting from industrial and human pollution in the natural marine environments. Just as a side note, coral reefs are an essential and necessary component to the maintenance of coastlines. In fact, where there are damaged or well nigh non-existent coral reefs, sea levels begin to rise which carries the inevitable consequences of coastal damages. The first signs of global warming are exhibited among coral reefs.
Dr. Goreau holds patents with Wolf Hilbertz for new methods for preserving coral reefs from global warming and pollution, restoring marine ecosystems, shore protection, mariculture, and non-toxic methods of preserving wood from marine boring organisms, termites, rot, and fire, in order to increase the lifetime of wood and decrease logging. In 1998 he and Wolf Hilbertz were awarded the Theodore M. Sperry Award for Pioneers and Innovators, the top award of the Society for Ecological Restoration.
On August 11, 2007, Wolf Hilbertz left the body after struggling for so many days in a German hospital from serious health complications after cancer had ravished his body. He was a man who dedicated his life to environmental sustainability with the understanding that it was ultimately an act of devotion to our dear Mother Earth. For it was all about saving people’s lives by saving the environment. The great Danish philosopher Kierkegaard once asked the rhetorical question, “What would cause a man to risk his own life in order to save another?” The resounding response was that “there is the metaphysical realization that the two lives are one.” This was truly the keynote principle that oriented the life of this great man. Upon notice of his death, Dr. Goreau echoed the tragic loss we all felt in his solemn words, “I'm heartbroken to hear this tragic news. You can be sure that we will do all we can to ensure that the legacy of his pioneering work in the oceans will never be forgotten.” Wolf is not only a serious loss to the marine world of scientists but to the world at large.
It is my understanding that all the family, friends, and working colleagues have all joined together in a concerted effort to dedicate a monument on behalf of Wolf Hilbertz in memory of him and his work. (See Additionally, efforts will continue to keep his legacy alive, something he would want, for future generations to benefit from. Now our beloved Dr. Tom Goreau bears that torch as others gather cooperatively with him in order to keep that legacy alive. In fact, Tom, as those of us close to him like to refer to him, putting aside formalities, has been working with dedicated vigor in New York City in an effort to “revive the area’s withered ecosystem and gradually restore to this wetland the oyster beds that once flourished in New York's waters.” (Excerpt from, A Taste of History, Poised For Revival, The New York Times, Gregory Beyer, July 22, 2007) You can learn more about this remarkable NYC marine project by visiting
Tom, those of us who know you salute you with the deepest respect, admiration, and continued support. We exclaim in unison with the poetic declaration of the Jamaican Rastaman, “Jah love”!...knowing full well you can appreciate this as a native Jamaican. Learn more about the nature and character of the remarkable Biorock technology together with up to date news on Dr. Goreau's efforts around the world by visiting
Posted by
Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives Int'l
8:17 PM
Labels: biorock, coral reefs, tom goreau, wolf
Friday, June 1, 2007
World News Reports in Asia
Posted by
Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives Int'l
12:28 AM
Labels: BBC, world news
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
BBC World News Report
Posted by
Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives Int'l
1:45 AM
Labels: BBC, world news